The Homecoming: A Christmas Story
December 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15
Fridays & Saturdays: 7:30 pm ($17)
Sunday Matinees: 2 pm ($15)
Fridays & Saturdays: 7:30 pm ($17)
Sunday Matinees: 2 pm ($15)
Auditions: Tuesday 9/3 at 7pm and Sunday 9/8 at 4pm
Known on television as The Waltons, they're called The Spencers in the original book, which is how they're named here.
On Christmas Eve 1933, the Spencers prepare for the holiday, but they are becoming increasingly worried because the father, Clay Spencer, who was forced to take work in another part of the state, has not yet returned home.
Auditions will be held September 3, 2024 @ 7pm and Sunday September 8 at 4pm
A monologue or short story is all that is needed for the audition.
All ages welcome!
All ages welcome!
Clay-boy (17-21)
Olivia Spencer (late 30's/40's)
Clay Spencer(40's/50)
Matt (16-17ish)
Becky (13-14 ish)
Mark (13-12ish)
Shirley (10-11ish)
Luke (9-8ish)
John (8-7ish)
PattiCake (6ish)
Grandpa Homer
Grandma Ida
City Lady
Charlie Sneed
Ike Godsey
Rev Dooly
Miss Emma Staples
Miss Etta Staples
Young Joseph and Mary
Grandma Ida
City Lady
Charlie Sneed
Ike Godsey
Rev Dooly
Miss Emma Staples
Miss Etta Staples
Young Joseph and Mary